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Instance Management

dx module

Information query module, query information on the dioxide blockchain


Return the overview infomation about dioxide blockchain.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.overview


  • VersionName:Sting - version name of blockchain / type of network

  • DeployName: string - name of the blockchain deployment network

  • ChainVersion: uint8 - blockchain version

  • Time: uint64 - current network time

  • BlockTime: uint64 - The block timestamp of the current chainhead

  • ShardOrder: uint32 - shard order, (number of shard) = 1+(1<<ShardOrder)

  • ShardOnDuty: array - [shard_index_start,number_of_shard]

  • BlackListSize: uint64 - number of block blacklists (blocks corresponding to this hash value are not accepted)

  • ScalingOut: bool - scale out (sharding extension) being executed

  • Rebase: bool - the rebase operation being performed

  • BlockFallBehind: uint32 - The difference between the current node height and the height of the latest block received from the blockchain network

  • BaseHeight: uint64 - base height of blockchain

  • HeadHash: string - hash (base32 encoding) of the consensus_header on the latest height

  • HeadHeight: uint64 - The latest height of the main chain

  • FinalizedBlock:array - [block hash of the latest finalized block,block height of the latest finalized block]

  • ArchivedHeight: array - [block hash of the latest archived block,block height of the latest archived block]

  • AvgGasPrice: string - average gas fee for block transactions

  • TxnCount: array - [ScheduledTxnCount,ConfirmedTxnCount,IntraRelayTxnCount,InboundRelayTxnCount,OutboundRelayTxnCount,DeferredTxnCount]

  • IdAllocated: array - [The block id allocated,maximum block id allowed for allocation],block id is the index of the block in memory

  • Throughput: float - throughput

  • BlockInterval: float - block interval(ms)

  • HashRate: uint64 - hash rate

  • ForkRate: float - fork rate

  • FinalityDistance: uint64 - The difference between the height of the last finalized block and the latest height

  • Difficulty: uint64: pow difficulty

  • Global: object - global shard info

  • Shard: array - per shard info

Sample request:


Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.overview",
"ret": {
"VesionName": "Pyrolusite/DevNet",
"DeployName": "pyrolusite@dioxide",
"ChainVersion": 64,
"Time": 1702372771595,
"BlockTime": 1702372768106,
"ShardOrder": 2,
"ShardOnDuty": [0,4],
"BlackListSize": 0,
"ScalingOut": false,
"Rebase": false,
"BlockFallBehind": 0,
"BaseHeight": 54,
"HeadHash": "2wfpbhaxd75pk2k98zzdnmeq0crjr3fr402738sne1kk5wdftf7g",
"HeadHeight": 82,
"HeadBlockOutWeight": 10000,
"FinalizedBlock": ["r54md62h2fr7xts39wrhdbt9nq7n2tytwrc8fk42mh7nbk8cht8g",78],
"ArchivedHeight": ["r54md62h2fr7xts39wrhdbt9nq7n2tytwrc8fk42mh7nbk8cht8g",78],
"AvgGasPrice": "10000",
"TxnCount": [189,18,103,8,8,0],
"IdAllocated": [29,128],
"HeadOutWeight": 10000,
"Throughput": 1.01,
"BlockInterval": 54157.98,
"HashRate": 34611,
"ForkRate": 0.00,
"FinalityDistance": 4,
"Difficulty": 7497816,
"Global": {
"Throughput": 0.50,
"TxnCount": [85,4,100,4,0,0],
"MempoolSize": 0,
"TotalStateSize": 1475
"Shards": [
"Throughput": 0.21,
"TxnCount": [3,10,3,2,6,0],
"MempoolSize": 0,
"TotalStateSize": 684
"Throughput": 0.00,
"TxnCount": [1,2,0,1,1,0],
"MempoolSize": 0,
"TotalStateSize": 186
"Throughput": 0.51,
"TxnCount": [99,2,0,1,1,0],
"MempoolSize": 0,
"TotalStateSize": 795
"Throughput": 0.00,
"TxnCount": [1,0,0,0,0,0],
"MempoolSize": 0,
"TotalStateSize": 6


Return the latest block height.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.head_height


HeadHeight : uint64 - the latest chain height

Sample request:


Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.head_height",
"ret": {
"HeadHeight": 31


Return the node mining status

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.mining


  • Mining : uint64 - mining status of node , true : mining in progress

Sample request:


Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.mining",
"ret": {
"Mining": true


Return the overview infomation of shard by shard index.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.shard_info


shard_indexRequired parameter, index of shard, g or 65535 means to obtain global shard information


  • ShardIndex : uint16 - index of onduty shard
  • Height : uint64 - current chain head height
  • SnapshotHeight : uint64 - height of snapshot the node take latest
  • BlockInMem : uint64 - number of blocks in memory
  • ResidentTxn : uint64 - number of transactions in mempool
  • PendingTxn : uint64 - number of pending transactions
  • RequestingTxn : uint64 - number of transactions requested from other nodes
  • StateSize : uint64 - size of state (Byte)
  • AccumTxnCount : array - [ScheduledTxnCount,ConfirmedTxnCount,IntraRelayTxnCount,InboundRelayTxnCount,OutboundRelayTxnCount,DeferredTxnCount]
  • ScheduledTxn:Transactions automatically generated by the system, such as mining reward transactions, contract deployment transactions, and package transaction fee reward transactions.
  • ConfirmedTxn:Transactions confirmed to be executed, including user transactions received and inbound transactions
  • IntraRelayTxn:Relay transactions sent by global shards that require other shards to be executed, such as those generated by mining rewards (waiting to be executed, not counted to the master block), and relay transactions between shards that need to be executed and counted
  • InboundRelayTxn:relay transactions received
  • OutboundRelayTxn: relay transactions sent out
  • DeferredTxn:transaction will execution in a certain future block, (TBD)

Sample request:


#<-----request body------->#

Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.shard_info",
"ret": {
"ShardIndex": 0,
"Height": 2,
"SnapshotHeight": 0,
"BlockInMem": 3,
"ResidentTxn": 0,
"PendingTxn": 0,
"RequestingTxn": 0,
"StateSize": 97,
"AccumTxnCount": [3,0,2,0,0,0]


Get shard index which scope_key belongs to under a certain scope.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.shard_index


scopeRequired parameter, indicating the scope of the query. The scope can be global/shard/address/uint32/uint64/uint96/uint128/uint160/uint256/uint512
scope_keyIt is not required only when the scope is global, and corresponds to the query key under the scope.


  • ShardIndex : uint16 - shard index where the scopekey is located

Sample request:


#<-----request body------->#

Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.shard_index",
"ret": {
"ShardIndex": 1 //indicate that address 3yx...v34:ed25519 in shard#1


return the transacions in node memory pool.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.mempool


shard_indexOptional parameter, if not filled in, get the transactions of all shards, otherwise get the transaction pool transactions of the corresponding shards.
archivedOptional parameter that identifies whether archived transactions are required.if not filled in, only return transactions not archived.


if shard_index is not filled in, the return value will be in the following format:

  • "g" : mempool information corresponding to global shard
    • array - set of {transaction hash , transaction state}
  • "0" : mempool information corresponding to shard 0
    • array - set of {transaction hash , transaction state}
  • "1" : mempool information corresponding to shard 1
    • array - set of {transaction hash , transaction state}


if shard_index is filled in, the return value will be in the following format:

  • array(non-key) : set of {transaction hash , transaction state} corresponding to shard index queried

Sample request:


#<-----request body------->#

Sample response:

//transcations in shard #1
"rsp": "dx.mempool",
"ret": [
"TXID": "q3936ekwwfyt04ykjkmmaveh28kknrpamb5bsbq1ns5x8aq27rt0",
"TXID": "8phdbm09ngmcm052pg8v6786we1ytrxft9ky6ty6hx8gtyyyw080",
"TXID": "ej9dqwxmfhdw072ekd09ys0sknx1574btyyprrn7vzppqjb4k5dg",
//transcations in all shards
"rsp": "dx.mempool",
"ret": {
"g": [
"TXID": "r2gz8bf7qj5gc0ykt3yt426bkn1vvtzctbs650tngv8rnra4zm10",
"TXID": "k8kzcyac172k4wcz8c1bg0dpsc2qz5tm0npe9zjr0cjetsmqp54g",
"TXID": "gs7td370fnq6n6xk0kqvyp6v78f54qmzy4t3f16ep4dhzj9vdwd0",
"0": [
"TXID": "q3936ekwwfyt04ykjkmmaveh28kknrpamb5bsbq1ns5x8aq27rt0",
"TXID": "8phdbm09ngmcm052pg8v6786we1ytrxft9ky6ty6hx8gtyyyw080",
"TXID": "ej9dqwxmfhdw072ekd09ys0sknx1574btyyprrn7vzppqjb4k5dg",
"1": [],
"2": [],
"3": []

Tranasction State:

  • TXN_READY: ready to be confirmed (forward broadcast allowed since then)
  • TXN_CONFIRMED : at least one block confirmed the txn
  • TXN_FINALIZED: confirmed by a block which is finalized
  • TXN_ABORTED: duplicated ISN that another one is confirmed and finalized (normal txn only)
  • TXN_EXPIRED: when its expiration time < latest finalized block time (normal txn only)


Return variable's historical status under a certain scope_key based on scope

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.state_history


scopescope can take the following values:

global: global scope, returns the historical status of variables in all contracts (including built-in contracts) on the global scope, scope_key can be empty

shard: shard scope, returns the historical status of variables in all contracts on the shard scope, scope_key is the shard index

address: address scope, returns the historical status of variables in all contracts on the address scope, scope_key is the address

uint32/uint64/uint96/uint128/uint160/uint256/uint512: user define scope,returns the historical status of variables in all contracts on the user-define-scope, scope_key is the key corresponding to uds
scope_keyIt is not required only when the scope is global, and corresponds to the query key under the scope.


  • object : \<contract_name> : \<state_array> , return modifications to all relevant states corresponding to scope_key queried

Sample request:


#<-----request body------->#

Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.state_history",
"ret": {
"core.coin.address": [
"Size": 21,
"Contract": "core.coin.address",
"State": {
"Balance": "100000000000000000:BRX"
"BuildNum": "1",
"Object": {
"SN": 956,
"RC": 2
"Commit": {
"Height": 459,
"Proof": 0,
"Shard": [
"Block": 87
"core.stats_issues.address": [
"Size": 30,
"Contract": "core.stats_issues.address",
"State": {
"NextIssueSerialNum": 1,
"FirstIssued": 459,
"LastIssued": 459,
"IntegralGasFee": "0",
"IntegralGasFeeDecay": "0"
"BuildNum": "1",
"Object": {
"SN": 958,
"RC": 2
"Commit": {
"Height": 459,
"Proof": 1,
"Shard": [
"Block": 87


Returns the latest status of contract variables

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.contract_state


contract_with_scopeRequired parameters, supports query by contract name with scope or cid.
Name query: <dappname>.<contractname>.<scope>
cid query: <ContractId>.<scope>
scope_keycorresponds to the query key under the scope.


  • object : <contract_name> : <state> , return the current contract status corresponding to scope_key queried

Sample request:


"contract_with_scope":"core.coin.address", // BRX balance

Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.contract_state",
"ret": {
"Size": 21,
"Contract": "core.coin.address",
"State": {
"Balance": "100000000000000000:BRX"
"BuildNum": "1",
"Commit": {
"Height": 459,
"Proof": 0,
"Shard": [


Returns imformation of consensus header.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.consensus_header


query_typeRequired parameter,query type, supports height query, hash query, and range query:
0: query consensus header by height
1: query consensus header by hash
2: query consensus header by range [start,end)
heightRequired when query_type=0, query consensus header based on height
hashRequired when query_type=1, query consensus header based on its hash
startRequired when query_type=2, denote the start height of the query
endRequired when query_type=2,denote the end height of the query. The query range is [start,end). If end is greater than the current height, the query will be returned until the latest height, that is, [start,current height]

Sample request:


//query by height

//query by hash

//query by range

Sample response:

//query by height or hash
"rsp": "dx.consensus_header",
"ret": {
"Size": 382,
"Version": 64,
"Prev": "cq0faacqw91gdmg1cw26thamny02v7qcnq5ttv43bndwsdgmy090",
"Height": 10,
"ShardOrder": 2,
"Timestamp": 1694969995174,
"ScheduledTxnCount": 2,
"UserInitiatedTxnCount": 0,
"IntraRelayTxnCount": 0,
"InboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"OutboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"DeferredRelayTxnCount": 0,
"ShardBlockMerkle": "87dbegj1d1zpmb500pkgkm8jh8a9hj12pkq2yyvx1y7evy6gvrm0",
"ShardChainStateMerkle": "b5s0f2jyy2wbtxdvqmq2w256zv3gky837gxg4ez4fr151x2jj0k0",
"ShardProcessedTxnMerkle": "ysczm14v379n8tn4v73840btrr075nyxz7gcvapg0jrr5xsz7m50",
"ShardOutboundRelayMerkle": "vdb12kg0zqac3y2wh4nz6pp9n298kaqcp7nx1abcvsg6mx4bbnrg",
"GlobalBlockMerkleLeaf": "8dh51bx8h5hynqx3s91jmqdp0bjwqztmp3j5vdzp8xjpn3dfw22g",
"GlobalChainStateMerkle": "b536jccta1ja3hx1swn877brcn76jt0tcspa6052zjr5tjg4j2cg",
"GlobalProcessedTxnMerkle": "cw2c5726nj5w97fh69f4n8pqsd9991emprnz05qczdwk7yceq1e0",
"Consensus": "CONSENSUS_SHA256",
"Miner": "m02asr7pq8sgaf1vxtaxgv05zn9pv47hq5sxf5djjv6wg480x9gh6zcv5r:ed25519",
"TotalGasFee": "0",
"AvgGasPrice": "10000",
"ScalingNext": false,
"SnapshotCarried": 0,
"Uncles": [],
"PowTarget": [
"PowDifficulty": 3333328,
"PowNonce": "4424487c0f6b16173e4a567c0f6b16177e5b567c0f6b1617a8375c7c0f6b1617",
"Hash": "770153k6jt64qkq55d9z33e3ssnw1szeecr8drgrkb2jctjp6q00",
"BlockInterval": 18021424.00,
"Throughput": 1.47,
"ForkRate": 0.00,
"Stage": "DUS_ARCHIVED",
"DispatchedRelayTxnCount": 1,
"Reward": "0"
//query by range
"rsp": "dx.consensus_header",
"ret": {
"Start": 1,
"End": 2,
"Blocks": [
"Size": 350,
"Version": 64,
"Prev": "0pr71k99c75h73cnejfgxtc0z8tnh25n3g1gp8c6p3s5cgt8t490",
"Height": 1,
"ShardOrder": 1,
"Timestamp": 1689369602000,
"ScheduledTxnCount": 3,
"UserInitiatedTxnCount": 0,
"IntraRelayTxnCount": 0,
"InboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"OutboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"DeferredRelayTxnCount": 0,
"ShardBlockMerkle": "y2wyz5ntq038mryxq8vyvam29x1v192c68c8yywhrt866vhwz6y0",
"ShardChainStateMerkle": "0p3b86y4ybv5ezdy84hx6nx4xq1xpt1dr5tx9jvm9a4wrmzky690",
"ShardProcessedTxnMerkle": "p67ycrhb7kt6rayab6xckdwca1vqqzss85b0xv0skcvjtb93k26g",
"ShardOutboundRelayMerkle": "ypjztgphd8g309wrxxqd62cqkd1g0f9343cz1t7ak0rtj9tszd5g",
"GlobalBlockMerkleLeaf": "51dz9xmre2qbwsy2yejq63yekf0xtncnaz8jprh920xn7gy1ryy0",
"GlobalChainStateMerkle": "brhhp4thsdnr8f3z9atqk14jkwkscmyrkz9eakv300say1xqyj40",
"GlobalProcessedTxnMerkle": "e1wb5gvm0tyyer5ws0evs88japmt6pyp73ram14yvpcb7vy3myv0",
"Consensus": "CONSENSUS_NOOP",
"Miner": "m00ad46hnbt27hg05vfdpahp1jp8gyfp3vytst9yxhewfv4ws5x4669dr8:ed25519",
"TotalGasFee": "0",
"AvgGasPrice": "10000",
"ScalingNext": true,
"SnapshotCarried": 0,
"Uncles": [],
"PowTarget": [
"PowDifficulty": 0,
"PowNonce": "",
"Hash": "tn6nsy43fppzet2gmbvxjctfw44jzmt2y21q0wj21mv75q3cqbt0",
"BlockInterval": 4000.00,
"Throughput": 0.75,
"ForkRate": 0.00,
"Stage": "DUS_ARCHIVED",
"DispatchedRelayTxnCount": 1,
"Reward": "0"


Returns imformation of transaction block.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.transaction_block


query_typeRequired parameter,query type, supports height query, hash query, and range query:
0: query consensus header by height
1: query consensus header by hash
2: query consensus header by range [start,end)
shard_indexRequired parameter,Indicates which shard to obtain the transaction block on.
heightRequired when query_type=0, query consensus header based on height
hashRequired when query_type=1, query consensus header based on its hash
startRequired when query_type=2, denote the start height of the query
endRequired when query_type=2,denote the end height of the query. The query range is [start,end). If end is greater than the current height, the query will be returned until the latest height, that is, [start,current height]

Sample request:


//query by height

//query by hash

//query by range

Sample response:

//query by height or hash
"rsp": "dx.transaction_block",
"ret": {
"Size": 235,
"Version": 64,
"Scope": "global",
"Shard": [
"Prev": "1remm447fvw7szkmc18sf03jdqjfp21gqpcn7050hhkv5wh72zvg",
"ScheduledTxnCount": 1,
"UserInitiatedTxnCount": 0,
"IntraRelayTxnCount": 0,
"InboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"OutboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"DeferredRelayTxnCount": 0,
"DispatchedRelayTxnCount": 1,
"ExecutionCount": 1,
"ConsensusHeaderHash": "770153k6jt64qkq55d9z33e3ssnw1szeecr8drgrkb2jctjp6q00",
"BlockMerkleLeaf": "8dh51bx8h5hynqx3s91jmqdp0bjwqztmp3j5vdzp8xjpn3dfw22g",
"ConfirmedTxnHash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"ConfirmedTxnMerkle": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"ProcessedTxnMerkle": "cw2c5726nj5w97fh69f4n8pqsd9991emprnz05qczdwk7yceq1e0",
"ChainStateMerkle": "b536jccta1ja3hx1swn877brcn76jt0tcspa6052zjr5tjg4j2cg",
"TotalGasFee": "0",
"AvgGasPrice": "10000",
"Hash": "yy3y5avjb86fjrr5yny8x72jzx4q5mvrwjdbf0sqz4jca7z4k8c0",
"Height": 10,
"Timestamp": 1694969995174,
"Miner": "m02asr7pq8sgaf1vxtaxgv05zn9pv47hq5sxf5djjv6wg480x9gh6zcv5r:ed25519",
"Transactions": {
"Scheduled": [
"Confirmed": [],
"DispatchedRelays": [
"Deferred": []
//query by range
"rsp": "dx.transaction_block",
"ret": {
"Start": 9,
"End": 10,
"Blocks": [
"Size": 235,
"Version": 64,
"Scope": "global",
"Shard": [
"Prev": "0f6gwn62k4tz34swdn0qckbjsg0bd64537zeqwfzcdcvq0xkffc0",
"ScheduledTxnCount": 1,
"UserInitiatedTxnCount": 0,
"IntraRelayTxnCount": 0,
"InboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"OutboundRelayTxnCount": 0,
"DeferredRelayTxnCount": 0,
"DispatchedRelayTxnCount": 1,
"ExecutionCount": 1,
"ConsensusHeaderHash": "cq0faacqw91gdmg1cw26thamny02v7qcnq5ttv43bndwsdgmy090",
"BlockMerkleLeaf": "0q3sdqf7agk7nexbjcje3vpszxkj79he45yb3m8a83tdy0h27ecg",
"ConfirmedTxnHash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"ConfirmedTxnMerkle": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"ProcessedTxnMerkle": "3z6748qw98x4s5cbsjh4hyh35rmgg3gvhbymzry62fw8h91b80fg",
"ChainStateMerkle": "cmv15kbw7kv6xn89ty4n2qyg0zrb6ck42jsyshypbhsmb791fny0",
"TotalGasFee": "0",
"AvgGasPrice": "10000",
"Hash": "1remm447fvw7szkmc18sf03jdqjfp21gqpcn7050hhkv5wh72zvg",
"Height": 9,
"Timestamp": 1694969994925,
"Miner": "m02asr7pq8sgaf1vxtaxgv05zn9pv47hq5sxf5djjv6wg480x9gh6zcv5r:ed25519",
"Transactions": {
"Scheduled": [
"Confirmed": [],
"DispatchedRelays": [
"Deferred": []


Returns transaction details by transaction hash.

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.transaction


hashRequired parameters, hash of transaction


  • BuildNum : uint16 - tranasction version , always 1
  • GasOffered : uint64 - Transaction gas limit
  • GasPrice : bigint - gas price
  • Grouped : bool - group flag, relay transaction feature
  • Function : string - name of the invoked function
  • Input : object - function call args
  • Invocation : object - function call returns
  • Hash : String - transaction hash
  • Height : uint64 - height of the block where it is located
  • Shard : array - [ shard index , shard order]
  • State : string - transaction state

Sample request:



Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.transaction",
"ret": {
"BuildNum": 1,
"GasOffered": 0,
"GasPrice": "10000",
"Grouped": false,
"uTxnSize": 25,
"OrigExecIdx": [0,37],
"Function": "",
"Input": {},
"Invocation": {
"Return": [0,0],
"CoinDelta": "0",
"GasFee": "0",
"Relays": [
"Height": 37,
"Shard": [65535,2],
"State": "DUS_ARCHIVED",
"ConfirmState": "TXN_ARCHIVED",
"ConfirmedBy": "j8r476gahtgtjhpd7kdfb7yxm87a5garbqv5xpndz6yrr05mxvv0:0",
"Hash": "mv6dk7rn9cpm51n5cgqkvccstf72qqf310a42j8ga2f8c9x6q310",
"ExecStage": "XTG_SCHEDULED"


Return dapp_id and dapp_address based on dapp name

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.dapp


nameRequired parameters, dapp's name, limit: 4<=dappname length<=8, only contains numbers, letters, and "_" symbols


  • DAppID : uint32 - dapp id , unique identification of a dapp
  • Address : string - dapp address

Sample request:



Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.dapp",
"ret": {
"DAppID": 1,
"Address": "core:dapp"

In dioxide, address types include: user address, dapp address, token address, with different naming conventions

  • user-address: 36bytes
  • dapp-address:\<dappname>:dapp , **4≤dapp name length≤8, Contains only numbers, letters, and the "" symbol**
  • token-address: \<token_symbol>:token , 3<=token symbol length<=8, Contains only uppercase letters and the "- #" symbol


Return specific information about deployed contracts

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.contract_info


contractRequired parameters, \<dapp_name>.\<contract_name>


  • ContractID : uint64 - contract id , unique identification of a deployed contract
  • ContractVersionID : uint64 - contract id with version
  • Contract : string - contract name
  • Hash : string - hash of contract info
  • ImplmentedInterfaces : array - interface implemented by the contract
  • StateVariables : array - variables defined in the contract
  • Functions : array - functions defined in the contract
  • Interfaces : object - interface defined in the contract

Sample request:



Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.contract_info",
"ret": {
"ContractID": 425202810880,
"ContractVersionID": 425202810881,
"Contract": "BitREXE",
"Hash": "sxkakmtaznqjmc2nzpy7sktndgcddage8q0k3ak0jj1sm0b5z98g",
"ImplmentedInterfaces": [],
"StateVariables": [
"name": "brx",
"scope": "global",
"dataType": "token"
"name": "rxbtc",
"scope": "global",
"dataType": "token"
"name": "owner",
"scope": "global",
"dataType": "address"
"name": "rxbtc_minter",
"scope": "global",
"dataType": "address"
"Scopes": {
"global": "HasState|HasFunction",
"address": "HasFunction"
"ScatteredMaps": {},
"Structs": [],
"Enumerables": [],
"Interfaces": {},
"Functions": [
"name": "on_deploy",
"flag": "InvokeBySystem|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "global",
"opcode": 0
"name": "setRxbtcMinter",
"flag": "InvokeByNormalTransaction|EmitRelayInGlobalScope|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "address",
"opcode": 1
"name": "depositBRX",
"flag": "InvokeByNormalTransaction|EmitRelayInGlobalScope|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "address",
"opcode": 2
"name": "mintRXBTC",
"flag": "InvokeByNormalTransaction|EmitRelayInAddressScope|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "address",
"opcode": 3
"name": "burnRXBTC",
"flag": "InvokeByNormalTransaction",
"scope": "address",
"opcode": 4
"name": "withdrawRXBTCTo",
"flag": "InvokeByNormalTransaction|EmitRelayInGlobalScope|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "address",
"opcode": 5
"name": "claimBRX",
"flag": "InvokeByNormalTransaction|EmitRelayInGlobalScope",
"scope": "address",
"opcode": 6
"name": "_deposit",
"flag": "InvokeByRelayTransaction",
"scope": "address",
"opcode": 7
"name": "__relaylambda_8_setRxbtcMinter",
"flag": "InvokeByRelayTransaction|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "global",
"opcode": 8
"name": "__relaylambda_9_depositBRX",
"flag": "InvokeByRelayTransaction|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "global",
"opcode": 9
"name": "__relaylambda_10_withdrawRXBTCTo",
"flag": "InvokeByRelayTransaction|EmitRelayInAddressScope|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "global",
"opcode": 10
"name": "getBrx",
"flag": "InvokeByRelayTransaction|EmitRelayInAddressScope|GlobalStateDependency",
"scope": "global",
"opcode": 11


Generate public and private key pairs and user address

Endpoint: /api?req=dx.generate_key


shard_indexOptional parameter, select which shard the user information (address, public key, private key) is generated on. If not filled in or the shard_index is invalid, a random shard will generate the user information.
algoOptional parameter,select which encryption algorithm will be used.


  • PrivateKey : string - base64 encoded private-key(sk)
  • PublicKey : string - base64 encoded public-key(pk)
  • Address : string - base32 encoded address
  • Shard : uint16 - shard index which address belongs to

Sample request:



Sample response:

"rsp": "dx.generate_key",
"ret": {
"PrivateKey": "3qys/L1nqhkaBQhvJ8YDMwwHoUwdfa2PKWPGLo1T2r0KVyT4ZLEykh1MN3EUlkTBudnHuJAJsei4got30u51yQ==",
"PublicKey": "Clck+GSxMpIdTDdxFJZEwbnZx7iQCbHouIKLd9Ludck=",
"Address": "19bj9y34p4s947ac6xrh95j4r6wxkhxrj04v3t5rga5qfmqeeq4h6vtx0w:ed25519",
"Shard": 1

tx module

Assembly transactions, broadcast transactions to the entire blockchain network


Assemble the transaction and return the base64-encoded transaction

Endpoint: /api?req=tx.compose


functionRequired parameters, contract calling method, format is \<dapp_name>.\<contract_name>.\<function_name>
The method to deploy the contract is: core.delegation.deploy_contracts,it's a built-in contract.
argsRequired parameter, input parameter for contract method call, which is a json-object
senderRequired parameter, sender address, if it is a deployment contract transaction, it is the address of the dapp
delegateeOptional parameter, the address of the delegatee
gaspriceOptional parameter, default is the current average gasprice
ttlOptional parameter, transaction's expire time, default 2h
sigcountOptional parameter, number of signers, default is 1

Sample request:


//normal transcation

//contract deploy transcation
"code":["contract TestScope{\r\n\t@address uint32 storedData;\r\n @shard uint32 perShardData;\r\n\t@uint256 string str;\r\n\t@uint256 int32 c;\r\n\t@uint32 string gstr;\r\n\t@uint32 int32 d;\r\n\t@address function set() export {\r\n\t\tstoredData = 3u;\r\n\t\trelay@12333423453465667777777777777777u256 f();\r\n\t\trelay@65534u32 g();\r\n\t}\r\n\t@uint256 function f() {\r\n\t\tstr = \"Hello world!\";\r\n\t\tc+=1;\r\n __debug.print(str,c);\r\n\t}\r\n\t@uint32 function g() {\r\n\t\tgstr = \"yes!\";\r\n\t\td+=1;\r\n __debug.print(gstr,d);\r\n\t}\r\n}"],
"time":20 //Maximum time limit for contract compilation (optional parameter)

Sample response:

"rsp": "tx.compose",
"ret": {
"TxData": "QABANV6kigHNzQMAAAACAQoEAL8QJwAAAACghgEAAQIQAEMAAAA=", base64-encoded transaction
"GasOffered": 100000 // gasUsed

How to call the built-in contracts:

  • core.coin (native token contract)
    • core.coin.faucet

      • No parameters, each call can get 1SATOSHI_UNIT=10000’0000 dio coins, no gas is consumed

      • Issue dio coins without consuming gas

      • Parameters: -Amount: the number of dio coins issued

    • core.coin.burn

      • Destroying dio coins requires gas consumption
      • Parameters:
        • Amount: The number of dio coins destroyed
    • core.coin.transfer

      • Transferring money requires gas consumption
      • Parameters
        • To: destination address -Amount: transfer amount
  • core.delegation (create dapp, create token, create contract related)
    • core.delegation.create

      • Create dapp

      • Parameters:

        • Type: 10 (indicates creating dapp)
        • Name: the name of the dapp, the length of the dapp name is [4,8]
        • Deposit: How many tokens to deposit into the dapp, it cannot be less than 1000'0000
    • core.delegation.deploy_contracts

      • Create contract
      • Parameters:
        • code: required parameters, contract source code, string-list
        • cars: required parameters, contract initialization parameters, jsonstring-list
        • time: optional parameter, contract compilation time limit, default 20s
  • core.profile
    • core.profile.set_metadata
      • Set address's metadata
      • Parameters:
        • Metadata: Set attribute value


Sign a transaction

Endpoint: /api?req=tx.sign


skRequired parameter, user's base64-encoded private key
txdataRequired parameters, base64 encoded data of the transaction

Sample request:



Sample response:

"rsp": "tx.send",
"ret": {
"Hash": "29at0m38p7z6f863xt5avq7hp71jzd1mazxkx52kg4e3wpvzetrg"


Send the signed transaction to the blockchain network and broadcast it to the entire network

Endpoint: /api?req=tx.send


txdataRequired parameters, base64-encoded data of signed transaction

Sample request:



Sample response:

"rsp": "tx.send",
"ret": {
"Hash": "29at0m38p7z6f863xt5avq7hp71jzd1mazxkx52kg4e3wpvzetrg"