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PREDA-Toolchain Installation Guide

1. System Requirements

  • Windows: Windows 10 (21H2) or above
  • Linux: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS or above
  • macOS: Ventura or above


2.1 Windows

  • Visual Studio Code 1.53 or above (must be installed using the installer, portable version not supported)

2.2 Linux

  • Visual Studio Code 1.53 or above (must be installed using the .deb package)
  • g++ 8.1 or above

2.3 macOS


Download PREDA-Toolchain - PREDA Language Preview Toolchain

4. Installation Steps

4.1 Windows

Run installer and follow the prompts through the install.

4.2 Linux

Run the following command to install the .deb package.

sudo dpkg -i preda-toolchain_0.1.4_amd64.deb

Register PREDA Language Toolchain VS Code plugin.

bash /opt/PREDA/scripts/

4.3 macOS

Open installer package and follow the instructions.

5. Samples Contract and Documents

The examples subfolder of the installation folder includes several sample files for you to start with.

There are two documents in the doc subfolder:

  • PREDA Language Specification. Reference manual for PREDA language.
  • Chain Simulator Script Manual. User Manual for writing PREDA test scripts in VS Code to compile / deploy / run contracts using Chain Simulator

For a guide on how to use the PREDA Language Preview Toolchain plugin for VS Code, check the plugin's Details page in VS Code.

6. Troubleshooting

Visual Studio Code is not installed

Visit and download the installer for your platform.

g++ version is too low (Linux)

First Install g++-9

sudo apt-get install g++-9

Then set g++-9 as the default g++

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-9 100